People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of half ploughgate in Fortune (ELO)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/358/12 (Newb. Reg., no. 107)
Firm date
4 December 1214 X 31 December 1232
Probable date
perhaps × ca 1220
Dating Notes
Death of King William I × comital confirmation (<em>Newb. Reg.</em>, no. 108).
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms; of me and my heirs
Tenendas original language
in puram et perpetuam elemosinam de me et heredibus meis
free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction
Exemptions original language
ab omni seruicio et consuetudine et exaccione seculari
Sicut clause
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro anima); Successors (pro anima)
Note duplication of William Noble?

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Ness of London (d.1232/3) Nesius filius Johannis de Londres Ness son of John of London 1214 × 1230
Beneficiary Newbattle Abbey (fd.1140) Ecclesie sancte Marie de Neu' Church of St Mary of Newbattle 1141 × 1312
in the presence of William Noble of Garleton Willelmo Nobili William Noble 1177 × 1232
in the presence of Alan of Craghope Alano de Craghope Alan of Craghope
in the presence of William Noble of Garleton Willelmo Nobili William Noble 1177 × 1232
in the presence of John of Moray, son of John of London Johanne fratre meo John, my brother 1199 × 1232
in the presence of Alan, son of William, steward of Ness of London Alano Alan, my seneschal 1200 × 1200
Sicut Clause Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248) Patricio filio Patricij Patrick, son of Earl Patrick of Dunbar 1208 × 1248

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Pro anima William I, king of Scots (d.1214) Will' William, king of Scots 1145 × 1213
Pro anima Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232) Patricij Patrick, earl of Dunbar 1170 × 1232
Pro anima Ness, son of Ness of Waughton Nesii auunculi mei Ness, my uncle 1200 × 1213

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ELO (East Lothian) half ploughgate in feu of Fortune vnam dimidiam carucatam terre in feudo meo de Forton Feu of Fortune