Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | William, son of Ralph the Lardenar | Will' fil' Radulfi Lardenarii | William son of Ralph the Lardenar | 1211 × 1211 |
Grantor | David, brother of William son of Ralph the Lardenar | frater dd' | [my] brother David [a servant of Sir Robert de Brus] | 1211 × 1211 |
Grantor | Sons of William son of Ralph the Lardenar | filii eius | his sons | 1211 × 1211 |
Grantor | Unknown, heir of William son of Ralph the Lardenar | heres eorum | their heir | 1211 × 1211 |
Beneficiary | Robert Bruce IV, lord of Annandale (d.1226×33) | Roberto de brus | Robert de Brus | 1219 × 1233 |
Previous landholder | Ralph, lardner | predictus Rad' | said Ralph | |
Previous landholder | David, brother of William son of Ralph the Lardenar | dictus dd' | said David | 1211 × 1211 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Richard of Levington | Ric' de leuint' | Sir Richard of Levington | 1211 × 1211 | 1 |
Roger Avenel, sheriff (d.1243) | Rog' auenel | Sir Roger Avenel | 1213 × 1238 | 2 |
William Bruce (son of William) | Will' de brus | William de Brus | 1219 × 1245 | 3 |
John Bruce (son of William) | Johanne de brus | John de Brus | 1227 × 1227 | 4 |
William de Heriz | Will' de heriz | William de Heriz | 1198 × 1233 | 5 |
Humphrey de Jardin | Vmfrido de gardin | Humphrey de Jardin | 1188 × 1242 | 6 |
Hugh of Corrie | Hug' de Corri | Hugh de Corrie | 1194 × 1233 | 7 |
Robert of Crosbie | Rob' de crossebi | Robert of Crosbie | 1211 × 1233 | 8 |
Gilbert Johnstone (son of John) | Gilleb' fil' Johannis | Gilbert son of John | 1198 × 1249 | 9 |
Roger of Kirkpatrick, knight | Rog' de kirkepatric | Roger of Kirkpatrick | 1211 × 1245 | 10 |
Robert de Turmore/Tremore | Rob' de tramor | Robert de Tremor | 1211 × 1211 | 11 |
Richard del Bois | Ric' de bosco | Richard del Bois | 1198 × 1233 | 12 |
Richard de Humez | Ric' de humez | Richard de Humez | 1233 × 1233 | 13 |
Hugh Mauleverer | Hug' mauleuerer | Hugh Mauleverer | 1194 × 1249 | 14 |
Hugh, son of Hamelin | Hug' fil' hamelin' | Hugh son of Hamelni | 1233 × 1245 | 15 |
William Francis (the Frenchman) | Will' franceis | William Francis | 1196 × 1251 | 16 |
Ingram (DMF) | Eng[el]ram | Ingram | 1211 × 1211 | 17 |
Thomas, clerk (Bruce) | Thom' | Thomas the clerk | 1211 × 1233 | 18 |
Court of Robert Bruce of Annan | curia predicti domini Roberti de brus de Anant | Court of said Sir Robert de Brus of Anann | 1211 × 1211 | 19 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
DMF (Dumfriesshire) | land in villa of Annan held by William son of Ralph | totam terram [...] infra uillam de Anant | Annan |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
100s. | 100s. |