Confirmation of gift of 10 acres of land in the territory of Coldingham in the place called Fleurs
- Type of Transaction
- Confirmation
- From Source
3/488/24 (ND, App., no. 260)
- Firm date
- 1229 X 1234
- Dating Notes
- Prior Thomas
- Primary
- yes
- Tenendas
- in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
- Tenendas original language
- in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam
- Sicut clause
- kingdom; Scotia
- Previous mentions of charter
- yes
- Corroboration / sealing
- yes
- Warrandice
- yes
- Spiritual Benefits
- Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Father (pro anima); Mother (pro anima); Successors (pro anima)