Confirmation of one ploughgate in Lilliesleaf (ROX)
- Type of Transaction
- Confirmation
- From Source
3/589/7 (Melr. Lib., no. 288)
- Firm date
- 1200 X 1253
- Probable date
- early 13th century, certainly x 1253
- Dating Notes
- certain date derived from death of William de Vescy
- Primary
- yes
- Tenendas
- in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
- Tenendas original language
- in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam
- Exemptions
- free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction; saving service and/or aids
- Exemptions original language
- absque omni consuetudine et exaccione seculari
saluo mei et heredibus meis seruicio ad ipsam terram pertinente de predicto Waltero de Ridale et heredibus suis
- Sicut clause
- Included; kingdom; Scotia
- Previous mentions of charter
- yes
- Warrandice
- yes
- Spiritual Benefits
- Ancestors (pro salute); Any Spiritual Benefit; Self (pro salute); Successors (pro salute)