Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | William of Landells | Willelmus de Laundele | William of Landells | 1229 × 1229 |
Beneficiary | Melrose Abbey (fd.1136) | ecclesie beate Marie de Melros' et monachis ibidem | church of blessed Mary of Melrose and monks there | 1147 × 1309 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
William de Somerville (II), son of William | Willelmo de Sumeruille | Sir William de Somerville, knight | 1185 × 1241 | 1 |
Nicholas of Rutherford (early 13C) | Nicholao ....irforde | Sir Nicholas Rutherford, knight | 1229 × 1229 | 2 |
John of Prenderguest | Johanne de Prendir.... | John of Prenderguest | 1229 × 1297 | 3 |
Richard of Ryedale | Ricardo de R....e | Richard of Ryedale | 1229 × 1240 | 4 |
Walter Ryedale (early 13C) | Waltero de Ridale | Walter of Ryedale | 1214 × 1229 | 5 |
William (ROX) | Willelmo .... | William ..... | 1229 × 1229 | 6 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
ROX | land called ‘Brunecnolleflat’ in Hownam | totam illam terram in feodo de Hundun que vocatur brunecnolleflat |