Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | David of Quixwood | Dauid filius Aernaldi de Quikiswde | David son of Arnold of Quixwood | 1203 × 1242 |
Beneficiary | Saint Cuthbert | beato Cuthberto | Blessed Cuthbert | 1094 × 1279 |
Beneficiary | Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) | priori et conuentui de Coldingham | the prior and convent of Coldingham | 1107 × 1368 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Patrick of Swinwood | Patricio de Swinewode | Patrick of Swinewood | 1198 × 1222 | 1 |
Walter Lindsay (III), son of William (II) (d.c.1222) | Waltero de Lindisseia | Walter of Lindsey | 1190 × 1222 | 2 |
Walter Frebern | Waltero Frebern | Walter Frebern | 1198 × 1234 | 3 |
Henry of Prenderguest (I) | Henrico de Prendregest | Henry of Prenderguest | 1198 × 1234 | 4 |
Gregory of Coldingham, steward | Gregorio | Gregory the steward | 1198 × 1234 | 5 |
Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton | Alano de Swintona | Alan of Swinton | 1182 × 1239 | 6 |
Adam of Little Reston | Adam de Ristona | Adam of Reston | 1198 × 1250 | 7 |
William of Lumsdaine | Willelmo de Lummisdene | William of Lumsdaine | 1200 × 1249 | 8 |
Ralph of Lumsdaine, archdeacon | Radulfo | Ralph of Lumsdaine, archdeacon | 1198 × 1234 | 9 |
John, son of Ralph the archdeacon | Johanne filio suo | John, his son | 1198 × 1234 | 10 |
Richard of Renton | Ricardo ed Renigtona | Richard of Renton | 1222 × 1222 | 11 |
Reginald of Little Reston (brother of Aldan) | Reginaldo de Ristona | Reginald of Reston | 1189 × 1234 | 12 |
William of Little Reston | Willelmo filio suo | William his son | 1214 × 1234 | 13 |
Constantine of Coldingham | Constantino de Coldingham | Constantine of Coldingham | 1203 × 1203 | 14 |
Walter Burning | Waltero Burning | Walter Burning | 1198 × 1198 | 15 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
BWK (Berwickshire) | land and a wood in the countryside of Oldcambus | totam terram meam cum bosco in campo de Aldecambus | Oldcambus |
BWK (Berwickshire) | 2 oxgangs with a toft and a croft in Coldingham | duabus bouatis terre cum uno tofto et crofto | Coldingham |