People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Relationship: Friend (m.) (amicus) of Simon of Kinnear (III), son of Simon (Tenurial & lordship relationship)

Friend (m.) (amicus)
Hugh of Kilmany
From Source
3/321/5 (Balm. Lib., no. 16)
Firm date
circa 1250
Probable date
Mid-thirteenth century, prob. circa 1250
Dating Notes
Compare to <em>Balm. Lib.</em>, nos. 12-15, 39, 40. Sirs Henry and John of Denmuir witness.

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
subject (relationship) Hugh of Kilmany 1286 × 1286
object (relationship) Simon of Kinnear (III), son of Simon 1250 × 1250