People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Obligation to Sixhills Priory in respect of the payment of an annual render of 3 marks

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/439/1 (Pais. Reg., 401-2)
Firm date
6 August 1219 X 6 November 1228
Render dates
Martinmas (Feast of St Martin) [11 Nov.]; Pentecost (Whitsun)
Returns / Renders
money: marks
Previous mentions of charter
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Adam of Ness Adam de Ness Adam of Ness 1179 × 1234
Beneficiary Mary, Blessed Virgin beate Marie blessed Mary 1122 × 1321
Beneficiary Sixhills Priory (Lincs) Conuentui de Sixle Sixhills priory 1228 × 1228
named person (transaction) Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241) Walteri filii Alani my lord, Walter son of Alan, seneschal of the Lord king of Scotland 1205 × 1240
named person (transaction) Henry Wallace Henricus Walensis Henry Wallace

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Adam of Harcarse, abbot of Melrose (d.1245) Ada the lord Adam, abbot of Melrose 1207 × 1244 1
Hugh, subprior of Melrose Hugone Hugh, subprior of the same house 1219 × 1228 2
Roger, son of Glay Rogero filio Glay Roger, son of Glay, knight 1205 × 1235 3
Hector (Eachann), knight Hectore Hector, knight 1219 × 1228 4
John (I) Montgomery, son of Alan johanne de Montegummeri John of Montgomery, knight 1185 × 1226 5
William, chaplain (Stewart) Wilelmo William, chaplain 1226 × 1252 6
Luke, chaplain of Paisley Luca Luke, chaplain 1177 × 1234 7
Robert, chaplain of Stewarts Roberto Robert, chaplain 1228 × 1252 8
Malcolm, son of Earl Mael Domnaig of Lennox (d.c.1248) Malcolmo filio Maldoveny Malcolm, son of Maldoven, earl of Lennox 1225 × 1239 9
William of Partick, clerk Wilelmo de Pertheyc William of Partick, clerk 1226 × 1228 10
Robert of Eaglesham Roberto de Eglesham Robert of Eaglesham, clerk 1226 × 1241 11
Alan of Wynelingham, clerk Alano de Wynelingham Alan of Wynelingham, clerk 1219 × 1219 12
William Scott (Paisley) Wilelmo Scoto William Scott 1228 × 1234 13