Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | John of Howburn | Johannes de Houburne | John of Howburn | 1221 × 1222 |
Beneficiary | Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) | prior et conventui de Coldingham | the prior and convent of Coldingham | 1107 × 1368 |
named person (transaction) | Richard of Coldingham (13C) | Ricard' de Cold' | Richard of Coldingham | 1203 × 1210 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Walter Lindsay (III), son of William (II) (d.c.1222) | Waltero de Lindesey | Walter of Lindsay | 1190 × 1222 | 1 |
Patrick, son of Adam son of Aldan the steward | Patricio filio Ade | Patrick, son of Adam | 1194 × 1218 | 2 |
Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton | Alano de Swintona | Alan of Swinton | 1182 × 1239 | 3 |
Henry of Prenderguest (I) | Henrico de Prendegest | Henry of Prenderguest | 1198 × 1234 | 4 |
Maurice of Ayton | Mauritio de æytona | Maurice of Ayton | 1214 × 1249 | 5 |
John, son of Elias of Ayton | Johanne filio Helye | John, son of Elias | 1222 × 1250 | 6 |
Reginald, son of Master Merlin | Reginaldo filio Merlini | Reginald, son of Merlin | 1198 × 1234 | 7 |
Elias of Prenderguest | Helya de Prendgest | Elias of Prenderguest | 1188 × 1234 | 8 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
homage and/or service | service of John of Howburn's land in Coldingham | totum seruitium terre mee de Cold' | Coldingham |