Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | John, king of England (d.1216) | Johannes | John, king of England, lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, count of Anjou | 1189 × 1215 |
Beneficiary | Saint Cuthbert | beato cuthbert' | Blessed Cuthbert | 1094 × 1279 |
named person (transaction) | Durham Cathedral Priory | priore et monachos | prior and monks (of Durham) | 1095 × 1327 |
named person (transaction) | Edgar, king of Scots (d.1107) | Edgari | Edgar, king of Scots | 1095 × 1097 |
named person (transaction) | Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) | monachos sancti cuthberti | monks of St Cuthbert | 1107 × 1368 |
named person (transaction) | Henry II, king of England (d.1189) | H | King H[enry], our father | 1174 × 1178 |
Dated by hand of | Simon, provost of Beverley and archdeacon of Wells | Simonis | Simon, provost of Beverley and archdeacon of Wells | 1204 × 1204 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Geoffrey fitz Peter, earl of Essex (d.1213) | G. fil' Pet' | G[eoffrey] fitz Peter, earl of Essex | 1204 × 1212 | 1 |
William (de Neville?) | Will' | William [de Neville?] | 1204 × 1204 | 2 |
Hugh de Neville | Hug' de Neuill | Hugh de Neville | 1204 × 1204 | 3 |
Henry de Neville | Henr' de Neuill | Henry de Neville | 1204 × 1204 | 4 |
William Drywer (?) | Will' [Drywer?] | William Drywer (?) | 1204 × 1204 | 5 |
Robert de Vieuxpont, son of William (d.1228) | [Roberto?] de veteri ponte | [Robert?] de Vieuxpont | 1204 × 1209 | 6 |
Peter de St[...] | Pet' de st[...] | Peter de St[...] | 1204 × 1204 | 7 |
Ralph de Mulleton | Rad' de mulleton | Ralph de Mulleton | 1204 × 1204 | 8 |
Robert of Braybrook | Roberto de Braibroch | Robert of Braybrook | 1204 × 1204 | 9 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
England | church of Norham | ecclesiam de Norham | Norham |
Schoreswrth | villa of Schoreswrth | villam de Schoreswrth ultra twedam flumine | ENGLAND |
BWK | Coldingham | Coldingham | Coldingham |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Coldingham | cum ecclesiam eiusdem uille | Coldingham |
BWK | Oldcambus | haldecambehus | Oldcambus |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Oldcambus | cum ecclesiam | Oldcambus |
BWK | Lumsdaine | Lummesdenes | Lumsdaine |
BWK | Renton | Reyntona | Renton |
BWK | Greenwood | Grenewude | Greenwood |
BWK (Berwickshire) | Two Restons | duas Rystonas | Reston |
BWK | Auchencrow | Aldegraue | Auchencrow |
BWK | Swinwood | Swynewde | Swinwood |
BWK | Ayton | duas Eytonas | Ayton |
BWK | Ayton (the other) | Ayton (the other) | |
BWK (Berwickshire) | mills and port of Two Aytons | cum molendinis et portu | Ayton |
BWK | Prenderguest | Prendregeste | Prenderguest |
BWK (Berwickshire) | mill of Prenderguest | cum molendinam | Prenderguest |
BWK | Edrom | Ederham | Edrom |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Edrom | ecclesiam eiusdem uille | Edrom |
BWK | Swinton | duas swintonas | Swinton |
BWK (Berwickshire) | Great Swinton | Swinton | |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Swinton | ecclesiam | Swinton |
BWK | Lamberton | Duas lambertonas | Lamberton |
BWK | Lamberton (the other) | Lamberton (the other) | |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Lamberton | cum ecclesiam | Lamberton |
BWK (Berwickshire) | churches of Berwick | ecclesiam de Berewik | Berwick |
BWK | Fishwick | ffyswik | Fishwick |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Fishwick | ecclesiam | Fishwick |
BWK | Paxton | Paxtona | Paxton |
BWK | Nisbet in Edrom | Nessebyte | Nisbet in Edrom |
BWK (Berwickshire) | mill of Nisbet | cum molendinam | Nisbet in Edrom |
ROX (Roxburghshire) | church of Ednam | ecclesiam de Edinham | Ednam |
ROX (Roxburghshire) | chapel of Stichill | cum capella de stichehull' | Stichill |
Scotland | lands in Lothian held by Durham | omnium quam in ladoneyo | Unmapped (Scotland) |