Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Alan, carpenter, son of William the carpenter of Coldingham | Alanus Carpentarius | Alan the carpenter | 1278 × 1278 |
Grantor | Amabel, wife of Alan the carpenter (Coldingham) | Amabilla sponsa sua | Amabel, his spouse | 1278 × 1278 |
Consentor | Geoffrey, son of Alan the carpenter | Galfridi filii nostri et heredis | Geoffrey our son and heir | 1278 × 1278 |
Consentor | William, son of Alan the carpenter | Willelmi filii nostri et heredis | William our son and heir | 1278 × 1278 |
Beneficiary | Almshouse of Coldingham | Elemosinarie domus de Coldingham | the almshouse of Coldingham priory | 1234 × 1285 |
named person (transaction) | Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) | priori et conuentui de Coldingham | the prior and convent of Coldingham | 1107 × 1368 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Henry of Horncastre, prior of Coldingham (fl.1276-96) | Henrico | sir Henry, prior of Coldingham | 1276 × 1296 | 1 |
Philip of Linton | Philippo de Lintona | Philip of Linton, constable of Berwick | 1281 × 1296 | 2 |
John of Badby, son of William | Johanne de Baddeby | John of Badby | 1276 × 1302 | 3 |
John Ridel of Ayton | Johanne Ridell | John Ridel | 1271 × 1280 | 4 |
Roger of Lumsdaine | Rogero de Lumesden' | Roger of Lumsdaine | 1281 × 1300 | 5 |
Richard, son of Robert son of Matthew of Auchencrow | Ricardo filio Roberti | Richard, son of Robert | 1250 × 1278 | 6 |
William of Ayton | Willelmo de Aiton | William of Ayton | 1276 × 1296 | 7 |
John, son of Adam of Ayton | Johanne filio Ade | John, son of Adam | 1276 × 1296 | 8 |
Hugh, clerk (Coldingham, late 13C) | Hugone | Hugh, clerk | 1278 × 1296 | 9 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
BWK | toft and croft along monastery wall in villa of Coldingham | unum toftum cum crofto in villa de Coldingham [...] iacens in longitudine et latitudine iuxta murum monsterii de Coldingham ex parte australi | Coldingham |