Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Party 1 | Kelso Abbey | Abbatem et Conuentum de Kelcho | Abbot and Convent of Kelso | 1131 × 1311 |
Party 2 | Gilbert, son of Aldan | Gilebert' filius Alden de Hom | Gilbert son of Aldan of Hume | 1182 × 1194 |
named person (transaction) | Unknown, clerk of Kelso Abbey | clericus eorum | their clerk | |
named person (transaction) | Unknown, chaplain of Hume | capellano de Home | chaplain of Hume | |
named person (transaction) | Unknown, chaplain of Halliburton | capellano de Halyburtun | chaplain of Halliburton |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian (fl.1147×59-1178×84) | A | Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian | 1152 × 1178 | 1 |
Hugh, king's chaplain (TRW) | Hug' | Hugh, chaplain of the king | 1165 × 1204 | 2 |
Andrew, nepos of Archdeacon Andrew, master | Andr' iuniore | Master Andrew, junior | 1174 × 1194 | 3 |
Thomas, master, physician (fl.1144-1178×89) | T | Master Thomas | 1159 × 1175 | 4 |
Osbern, chaplain (BWK) | Osberno | Osbern the chaplain | 1173 × 1194 | 5 |