People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of half ploughgate of Duddingston (WLO)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/213/1 (Inchcolm, no. 11 )
Firm date
6 March 1179 X 1219
Probable date
prob. early 13th century
Dating Notes
Bull of Pope Alexander III (<em>Inchcolm Chrs.</em>, no. 2) × death of Gervase Avenel senior.
in feu and heritage; of me and my heirs
Tenendas original language
de me et heredibus meis in feudo et hereditate
free and quit from all service and/or aid, custom and exaction
Exemptions original language
ab omni servitio et exactione et consuetudine
Render dates
Feast of St James [25 July]
Nominal renders
Sicut clause
Included; My land
Common burdens
Forinsec service

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Warin, son of Robert English Warinus filius Roberti anglici Warin son of Robert English 1179 × 1179
Beneficiary John Avenel, son of Gervase Avenel Johanni Avenell filio domini mei Gervasii Avenell John Avenel son of my lord Gervase Avenel 1219 × 1236

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Gervase Avenel, lord of Eskdale (d.1219) G. Avenell G[ervase] Avenel 1165 × 1213 1
Gervase Avenel, son of Gervase Avenel G. filio suo et herede G[ervase], his son and heir 1208 × 1218 2
Robert, son of Gervase Avenel Roberto fratre suo Robert, his brother 1208 × 1218 3
Thomas of Somerville (fl.1208-18) Thoma de Sumervill Thomas de Somerville 1208 × 1218 4
Robert Avenel, son of Robert Avenel, clerk, persona Roberto Avenell Robert Avenel, persona 1182 × 1185 5
Henry of Carmunnock Henrico de Curmanach Henry of Carmunnock 1177 × 1229 6
H., son of Henry of Carmunnock H. filio suo H. his son 1179 × 1179 7
Bernard of Hadden, sheriff of Roxburgh Bernardo de Haweden Bernard of Hadden 1179 × 1246 8
William Engaine W. de Engene W[illiam] Engaine 1179 × 1179 9
Geoffrey, brother of William Engaine Galfrido fratre suo Geoffrey, his brother 1179 × 1179 10
William Gernun Willelmo Gerun William Gerun 1219 × 1237 11
Alan, clerk (WLO) Alano Alan, clerk 1179 × 1179 12
Simon, clerk (WLO) Simone Simon, clerk 1179 × 1179 13

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
MLO (Midlothian) half ploughgate in Duddingston totam medietatem carucate terre mee in Dodyngstone Duddingston