Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Order |
Nicholas, archdeacon of Huntingdon |
Nicholao |
Nicholas, archdeacon of Huntingdon |
1185 × 1185 |
1 |
Walter, subprior of Huntingdon |
Waltero |
Walter, subprior of Huntingdon |
1185 × 1185 |
2 |
William of Colchester, canon |
Willelmo de Colecestria |
William of Colchester, canon |
1185 × 1189 |
3 |
Jordan, master |
Jordano |
Master Jordan |
1185 × 1185 |
4 |
Humphrey, chaplain (13C) |
Hunfrido |
Humphrey, chaplain |
1185 × 1200 |
5 |
Benedict, chaplain (12C) |
Benedicto |
Benedict, chaplain |
1164 × 1185 |
6 |
John of Brampton |
Johanne de Bramton' |
John of Brampton |
1185 × 1185 |
7 |
Albrict, dean |
Albricto |
Albrict, dean |
1185 × 1185 |
8 |
Hamo of Crawthorp, master |
Hamone |
Master Hamo |
1185 × 1213 |
9 |
Stephen of Essendon |
Stephano de Ecchenton' |
Stephen of Essendon |
1185 × 1185 |
10 |
Elias Tailboys |
Helia Tailebos |
Elias Tailboys |
1185 × 1185 |
11 |
Richard of Drayton |
Ricardo de Draiton' |
Richard of Drayton |
1185 × 1185 |
12 |
Michael of Toseland |
Micahele de Tolislund |
Michael of Toseland |
1185 × 1185 |
13 |
Henry of Winchester |
Henrico de Winton' |
Henry of Winchester |
1185 × 1227 |
14 |
Geoffrey, clerk (12C) |
Gaufrido |
Geoffrey, clerk |
1185 × 1185 |
15 |
Michael of Paxton |
Micahele de Paxton' |
Michael of Paxton |
1185 × 1185 |
16 |