Role |
Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Party 1 |
Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) |
priore et conuentum de Gold' |
prior and convent of Coldingham |
1107 × 1368 |
Party 2 |
Waltheof, earl of Dunbar (d.1182) |
Waldeuum com' |
Waltheof, earl |
1159 × 1180 |
Party 2 |
Patrick, dean of Fife (fl.1178×88) |
filios suani presbiteri scilicet partirium |
sons of Swain the priest, that is, Patrick the dean |
1167 × 1178 |
Party 2 |
Edgar, son of Swain priest |
eadgarum |
Edgar |
1166 × 1166 |
Party 2 |
Eustace, son of Swain the priest |
eustachium |
Eustace |
1166 × 1182 |
Party 2 |
Edward, son of Swain the priest |
eadwardum |
Edward |
1166 × 1166 |
Party 2 |
Alexander, son of Swain the priest |
alexandrum |
Alexander |
1166 × 1166 |
Party 2 |
Robert, son of Swain the priest |
Robertum |
Robert |
1182 × 1184 |
Party 2 |
Roger, son of Swain the priest |
Rogerum |
Roger |
1166 × 1182 |
Pledge |
Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232) |
patricius filius predicti Com' |
Patrick, son of the earl |
1170 × 1232 |
Pledge |
Patrick, son of Cospatric, earl of Dunbar |
patricius fratre eiusdem com' |
Patrick, brother of the earl |
1166 × 1182 |
Pledge |
Waltheof of Prenderguest |
Waldeuus de prendregest |
Waltheof of Prenderguest |
1165 × 1182 |
Pledge |
Edward of Oldcambus |
eadwardus de ald'cambus |
Edward of Oldcambus |
1166 × 1203 |
Pledge |
William, brother of Edward of Oldcambus |
fratre eius Willielmus |
his brother, William |