Role |
Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Party 1 |
Walter of St Albans, bishop of Glasgow (d.1232) |
Walterum |
Walter, bishop of Glasgow |
1194 × 1232 |
Party 1 |
Chapter of Glasgow |
eiusdem loci capitulum |
the chapter of Glasgow |
1161 × 1321 |
Party 2 |
Peter, abbot of Jedburgh (fl.1220) |
Petrum |
Peter, abbot of Jedburgh |
1219 × 1220 |
Party 2 |
Chapter of Jedburgh Abbey |
eiusdem loci capitulum |
the chapter of Jedburgh |
1220 × 1220 |
Judge |
Hugh of Leuhine |
Hugonis de Leuhine |
Sir Hugh of Leuhine |
1220 × 1220 |
Judge |
Stephen of Lilliesleaf, master, clerk, persona |
Stephani de Lillescl' |
Master Stephen of Lilliesleaf |
1203 × 1227 |
Judge |
Hugh of Potton, archdeacon of Glasgow (d.1238) |
Hugonis de Potton |
Master Hugh of Potton |
1214 × 1237 |
Judge |
William of Earlston, master |
Willelmi de Ercheldune |
Master William of Earlstone |
1220 × 1231 |
Judge |
Robert Hertford, precentor of Glasgow (fl.1223×25-1228) |
Roberti de Hertford |
sir Robert of Hertford, persona of Castleton |
1220 × 1228 |
named person (transaction) |
Adam Ovid, master (fl.1203-33) |
Ade Ouidii |
Master Adam Ovid |
1201 × 1235 |
named person (transaction) |
Ralph del Bois, master, persona of Hutton (Glasgow) |
Radulfi de Bosco |
sir Ralph de Bosco |