Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Party 1 | William, abbot of Inchcolm (fl.1258-77) | Willelmum | Sir William, abbot of Inchcolm | 1272 × 1277 |
Party 1 | Inchcolm Abbey | eiusdem loci conventum | convent of the same place | 1169 × 1279 |
Party 2 | Thomas de St Philibert | Thomam de Sancto Philiberto | Thomas de St Philibert | 1277 × 1277 |
named person (transaction) | Robert de Stuteville, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1282×83) | Episcopi Dunkeldensis | bishop of Dunkeld | 1234 × 1277 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Ralph of Greenlaw, abbot of Dunfermline (fl.1275-96) | Radulpho | Sir Ralph, abbot of Dunfermline | 1276 × 1296 | 1 |
David of Lochore, knight | David de Louhore | Sir David of Lochore | 1231 × 1282 | 2 |
Ralph de Lascelles, knight | Radulpho de Laschelis | Sir Ralph de Lascelles | 1261 × 1296 | 3 |
Duncan of Crambeth | Duncano de Crambeth | Duncan of Crambeth | 1260 × 1277 | 4 |
Walter of Strathenry, clerk | Waltero de Strath[enry] | Walter of Strathenry, clerk | 1263 × 1277 | 5 |
Simon of Orrock | Simone de Oroc | Simon de Orok | 1233 × 1277 | 6 |
Hugh of Lochore, sheriff of Fife | Hugone de Louhore | Hugh de Lochore | 1266 × 1293 | 7 |
William Fesscart | Willelmo Fessecart | William Fesscart | 1277 × 1277 | 8 |