Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
named person (transaction) | Robert Purrock | Roberto Purroch | Robert Purroc | |
Grantor | Walter, son of Robert Purrock | Walterus filius Roberti Purroch de Aythona | Walter son of Robert Purroc of Ayton | 1259 × 1280 |
Beneficiary | Coldingham Priory (fd.1139) | priori et conuentui de Coldingham | the prior and convent of Coldingham | 1107 × 1368 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Alan of Harcarse, knight | Alano de Harecars | Sir Alan of Harcarse | 1247 × 1273 | 1 |
Robert of Walhope | Roberto de Walhope | Robert of Walhope | 1259 × 1259 | 2 |
Gilbert of Lumsdaine | Gilberto de Lumesdene | Gilbert of Lumsdaine | 1234 × 1285 | 3 |
Henry of Prenderguest (II) knight | Henrico de Prendergest | Henry of Prenderguest | 1245 × 1300 | 4 |
David of Lumsdaine | Dauid de Lumesdene | David of Lumsdaine | 1212 × 1273 | 5 |
Adam, son of Walter of Ayton | Adam filio Walteri de Aythona | Adam, son of Walter of Ayton | 1246 × 1263 | 6 |
Walter, son of smith of Ayton | Waltero filio fabri | Walter, son of the smith | 1258 × 1263 | 7 |
Simon of Swinwood | Symone de Swynewde | Simon of Swinwood | 1259 × 1283 | 8 |
William of Cakefurlong | Willelmo de Cakefurland | William of Cakefurlong | 1259 × 1296 | 9 |
Elias, clerk (Coldingham) | Helya | Elias, clerk | 1259 × 1263 | 10 |
Court of the prior of Coldingham | curia domini prioris apud Aythona | Prior's court at Ayton | 1203 × 1297 | 11 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
BWK (Berwickshire) | one oxgang of land in upper Ayton | una bouata terre in campo de Aythona | Ayton |