People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Confirmation of possessions of Dryburgh Abbey

Type of Transaction
From Source
2/140/22 (Dryb. Lib., no. 251)
Firm date
8 June 1229
Dating Notes
6 id. June, pontifical year 3
saving authority of Apostolic See; saving canonical justice; saving reverence of Apostolic See

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Gregory IX, pope (d.1241) Gregorius Gregory, bishop, servant of servants of God 1227 × 1241
Beneficiary Hugh, abbot of Dryburgh (fl.1221-29) Hugoni Hugh, abbot of monastery of St Mary and St John Apostle of Dryburgh 1222 × 1229
Beneficiary Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150) ejusque fratribus and his brethren 1150 × 1345
Previous landholder Syrand, the priest (12C) Syrandi Syrand the priest
Previous landholder Roger, janitor (ROX) Rogeri Roger, janitor
Previous landholder William, priest Willelmi William, priest 1158 × 1158
Previous landholder Walter, son of Gilbert (ROX) Walteri filij Gilberti Walter, son of Gilbert 1180 × 1203
named person (transaction) Hospital of St Leonard of Ednam hospitali de Edinham hospital of Ednam 1196 × 1229
Dated by hand of Martin of Sens, master, papal vice-chancellor Martini Master Martin, vice chancellor of the Holy Roman Church 1229 × 1229

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK (Berwickshire) church of Mertoun Mertoun Mertoun
BWK (Berwickshire) church of St Cuthbert of Channelkirk Childinchirch Channelkirk
ELO (East Lothian) church of Saltoun Saultoun Saltoun
FIF (Fife) church of Kilrenny Kilrethny Kilrenny
ROX (Roxburghshire) church of Lessudden Lessedewyn Lessudden (St Boswells)
WIG (Wigtownshire) church of Sorbie ('Little or Greater'?) Sowrby ecclesias Sorbie
LAN (Lanarkshire) church of Lanark ecclesiam de Lanerk Lanark
LAN (Lanarkshire) church/chapel of Pettinain capella de Paduenan Pettinain
LAN (Lanarkshire) chapel of Cleghorn Glegern Cleghorn
LAN (Lanarkshire) parish of Lanark domos terras possessiones et alia que habetis in parochia ejusdem Lanark
LAN (Lanarkshire) ploughgate totam terram quam habetisin territorio de Padwynan que fuit Syrandi sacerdotis Pettinain
ROX (Roxburghshire) grange of Kedslie grangiam de Cadesleya Kedslie
ROX Smailholm terram quam habetis in villa et in territorio de Smalham Smailholm
ROX (Roxburghshire) toft in Smailholm cum tofto Smailholm
ROX (Roxburghshire) 2 oxgangs in Bemersyde duas bovatas terre quas habetis in territorio ville de Bemirsid Bemersyde
ROX (Roxburghshire) toft in Bemersyde cum tofto ijusdem ville Bemersyde
BWK Earlston totam terram quam habetis in territorio ville de Ercildoun Earlston
BWK (Berwickshire) toft in Earlston cum tofto Earlston
ROX (Roxburghshire) 2 oxgangs in Heiton duas bovatas terre in territorio ville de Hetoun Heiton
ROX (Roxburghshire) toft in Heiton cum tofto Heiton
ROX (Roxburghshire) toft of John, the priest in eadem villa terram que fuit Rogeri janitoris Roxburgh
ROX (Roxburghshire) land of William the priest terram que fuit Willelmi sacerdotis in burgo de Rogesburgh Unmapped (ROX)
ROX burgh of Roxburgh terris et possessionibus quas habetis in eodem burgo Roxburgh
ROX (Roxburghshire) land of Walter, son of Gilbert terram quam habetis in villa de Kelku que fuit Walteri filij GIlberti Kelso
BWK (Berwickshire) burgh of Berwick terras et possessiones quas habetis in burgo de Berwico Burgh of Berwick
BWK (Berwickshire) fishery on River Tweed piscationibus quas habetis in flumine ipsius burgi River Tweed
ELO Bangly Hill totam terram quam habetis in Langelaw Bangly
ELO Isle of Elbottle (Fidra) insulam de Elbotyll Isle of Elbottle (Fidra)
FIF (Fife) half ploughgate dimidiam carucatam terre in Petcorthny Pitcorthie
FIF (Fife) land in Pitcorthie held by hospital of Ednam terram quam habetis ibidem de hospitali de Edinham Pitcorthie
FIF (Fife) toft in Crail unum toftum in Karel Crail
FIF (Fife) cottages in Anstruther casas quas habetis in Aynistrothir Anstruther
BWK (Berwickshire) Shielfield terram quam habetis in territorio de Samsonschellis Shielfield
ROX (Roxburghshire) half ploughgate in Longnewton dimidiam carucatam terre in territorio de Lange Newtoun Longnewton

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK (Berwickshire) teinds of mills of Lauder(dale) decimas quas habetis de molendinis vallis de Lauder Lauder
ROX (Roxburghshire) teinds of mills of Longnewton de Newton Longnewton
BWK (Berwickshire) teinds of mills of Nenthorn de Naythynthirn Nenthorn

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
ROX (Roxburghshire) 20s. from burgh ferme redditum viginti solidorum quem habetis in burgo de Rogesburgh Burgh of Roxburgh
ROX (Roxburghshire) 20s. redditum viginti solidorum quem habetis in villa de Edinham Ednam
ROX (Roxburghshire) 3s. from Lessudden trium solidorum quem habetis in villa de Lessedewyn Lessudden (St Boswells)
FIF (Fife) 1 mark from seaport of Pittenweem unius marce quem percipitis de protu maris de Pettynwem Pittenweem
England 2 marks from mill of Mertoun redditum duarum marcarum quem habetis de molendino de Mertoun in Vestmerya
England 2 1/2 marks from canons of St James, Northampton redditum duarum mercarum et dimidie quem habetis in ecclesia de Bosieta St James, Northampton

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
Protection of St Peter and the Pope Protection of St Peter and the Pope
no one may exact teinds no one may exact teinds
permission to receive canons under the habit permission to receive canons under the habit
right to celebrate divine service right to celebrate divine service
privilege of anointment, holy oil, dedications, etc privilege of anointment, holy oil, dedications, etc
no one may fish or build without permission no one may fish or build without permission
free burial free burial
freedom to elect abbot/prior/master freedom to elect abbot/prior/master
no one may injure/cause injury no one may injure/cause injury
privileges in general (all liberties, etc.) rights in church of Askeby in Westmorland ecclesia de Askeby in Westemria Westmorland