Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Lucius III, pope (d.1185) | Lucius | Lucius, bishop etc. | 1182 × 1185 |
Beneficiary | Archibald, abbot of Dunfermline (d.1198) | Erckenbald' | Archibald, abbot of the monastery of Dunfermline | 1178 × 1198 |
Beneficiary | Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128) | monasterium de Dunfer' | Dunfermline Abbey | 1127 × 1363 |
named person (transaction) | Alexander III, pope (d.1181) | Alex' | Pope Alexander | 1159 × 1180 |
named person (transaction) | Malcolm III, king of Scots (d.1093) | Malcolmo primo | Malcolm I, late king of Scots | |
named person (transaction) | Alexander I, king of Scots (d.1124) | Alex' | Alexander, late king of Scots | 1095 × 1123 |
named person (transaction) | Edgar, king of Scots (d.1107) | Edgaro | Edgar, late king of Scots | 1095 × 1097 |
named person (transaction) | David I, king of Scots (d.1153) | DD | David, late king of Scots | 1118 × 1152 |
named person (transaction) | Malcolm IV, king of Scots (d.1165) | Malcolmo secundo | Malcolm II, late king of Scots | 1145 × 1165 |
Dated by hand of | Hugh, papal notary | Hug' | Hugh, notary of the Holy Roman Church | 1184 × 1184 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
FIF | Dunfermline | Locum ipsum in quo prefatum monasterium situm est | Dunfermline |
FIF | burgh of Dunfermline | burgum ex illa parte aque qua ipsum monasterium situm est | Dunfermline |
FIF (Fife) | church of Inverkeithing | ecclesiam de Inuirket' | Inverkeithing |
FIF (Fife) | 23 acres | xx et tres acras terre et quaddam partum iuxta Dunfer' | Dunfermline |
FIF | Burntisland | Totam King' occidentalem cum ecclesiam | Burntisland |
FIF | Kirkcaldy | totam Kircaldin | Kirkcaldy |
FIF (Fife) | church of Kirkcaldy | cum ecclesia | Kirkcaldy |
FIF | Newburn | totam scyram [...] de Nithburn | Newburn |
FIF (Fife) | church of Newburn | ecclesiam de Nithburn | Newburn |
FIF | Goatmilk | Scyra [...] de Gatemilc | Goatmilk |
FIF (Fife) | church of Goatmilk | ecclesiam de Gatemilc | Goatmilk |
FIF | Fetters | Fotheros | Fetters |
FIF (Fife) | church of Kellie | ecclesiam de Kellin | Kellie |
FIF | chapel of Abercrombie | capellam de Abercrum' | Abercrombie |
PER (Perthshire) | church of burgh of Perth | ecclesiam de Perth | Perth |
PER | chapel of Perth castle | capellas de castello | Perth |
PER (Perthshire) | church of St Leonard of Perth | hospital' S. Leonardi | Perth |
PER | Friarton | Balmacglenin | Friarton |
PER (Perthshire) | church of Holy Trinity of Dunkeld | ecclesiam S. Trinitatis de Dunkeld | Dunkeld |
PER | Fordie | Fordouin | Fordie |
PER | Dalmarnock | Dunmernach | Dalmarnock |
PER | Bendochy | Bendachin | Bendochy |
PER | Couttie | Cupermacultin | Couttie |
PER | Inchturfin | Incheturphin | Inchethurfin |
PER | Keithick | Kedeth | Keithick |
MOR | cell of Urquhart | cellam de Vrchard in Morauia | Urquhart |
MOR | church of Urquhart | cum ecclesia [de Vrchard] | Urquhart |
STL (Stirlingshire) | church of burgh of Stirling | ecclesiam de Striuelin | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | ploughgate which belongs to the church | [ecclesiam de Striuelin] cum una carucata terre | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | chapel of Stirling Castle | capellam de Castello [de Striuelin] | Stirling |
STL (Stirlingshire) | chapel of Dunipace | Capellam de Castello de Dunipast | Dunipace |
MLO | Inveresk 'Major' | Inuiresc maiorem | Inveresk 'Major' |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of Inveresk 'Major' | cum ecclesia [Inuiresc maiorem] | Inveresk 'Major' |
MLO | Inveresk 'Minor' | Inuiresc minorem | Inveresk 'Minor' |
MLO | chapel of Cousland | capellam de Cousland | Cousland |
MLO | Musselburgh | Burgum [...] de Muskilburg' | Musselburgh |
MLO (Midlothian) | port | portum de Muskilburg | Musselburgh |
MLO | Woolmet | Totam Wymet | Woolmet |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of Woolmet | et ecclesia ipsius ville [Wymet] | Woolmet |
MLO | Carberry | Crebbarrin | Carberry |
MLO | Smeaton | Smithetun | Smeaton |
MLO | Hailes | Villam [...] de Halis | Hailes (Colinton) |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of Hailes (Colinton) | ecclesiam de Halis | Hailes (Colinton) |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of West Calder | ecclesiam de Wester Caledoure | Earl's Calder (Calder-Comitis) |
MLO (Midlothian) | church of Kirknewton | ecclesiam de Neuton' | Kirknewton |
MLO (Midlothian) | 2 dwellings in Edinburgh | mansuras et terras in [Edenburg] | Edinburgh |
ELO (East Lothian) | dwelling in Haddington | in Hadigtun | Haddington |
ROX (Roxburghshire) | dwelling in Roxburgh | in Rokesb' | Roxburgh |
BWK (Berwickshire) | house in Berwick | in Berwich | Burgh of Berwick |
STL (Stirlingshire) | toft in burgh of Stirling | in Striuelin | Stirling |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
FIF (Fife) | teind of grain and king's prebend of Kinghorn, Kellie, and Crail | Unmapped (FIF) | |
CLA | teind of malt and the king's prebend | Clackmannan | |
teind of deer killed between Lammermuir and Tay | teind of deer killed between Lammermuir and Tay | Lammermuir | |
STL (Stirlingshire) | half hides and quarter of tallow | Stirling | |
FIF (Fife) | half of hides, fat and tallow | Unmapped (FIF) | |
BWK (Berwickshire) | one hide every Saturday north of Lammermuir | Lammermuir | |
FIF (Fife) | heads of whales (except tongues) on N. side of Firth of Forth | Unmapped (FIF) | |
STL (Stirlingshire) | teinds in Stirling | Stirling | |
STL (Stirlingshire) | teind of the king's cain in Stirlingshire | STL (Stirlingshire) |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
FIF | Offerings at high altar without claim | offerings at high altar without claim | |
FIF | half the toll of St Margaret's ferry (Queensferry) | Queensferry (South) | |
FIF (Fife) | eighth of king's pleas and profits from Fife and Fothrif | Fife and Fothrif | |
FIF (Fife) | king's rents | Fettykil (Leslie) | |
ARG (Argyll) | moiety of teind of profits and of king's rents from Argyll and Kintyre | Argyll and Kintyre | |
STL (Stirlingshire) | teinds of the king's demesnes | STL (Stirlingshire) | |
STL | teind of the burgh rent | Stirling | |
MLO (Midlothian) | 100s. from burgh ferme of Edinburgh | Edinburgh |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
Protection of St Peter and the Pope | Protection of St Peter and the Pope |