Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Alexander IV, pope (d.1261) | Alexander | Alexander, bishop etc. | 1255 × 1261 |
Beneficiary | Guisborough Priory | Priori et Conventui Monasterii sancte Marie de Giseburna | the prior and community of the monastery of St Mary at Guisborough | 1147 × 1292 |
named person (transaction) | Walter of St Albans, bishop of Glasgow (d.1232) | Gualterus | Walter, bishop of Glasgow | 1194 × 1232 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
DMF | garbal teinds of wheat of church of Lochmaben | decimas garbarum de Loginaban | Lochmaben |
DMF | garbal teinds of wheat of church of Annan | de Anant | Annan |
DMF | garbal teinds of wheat of church of Cummertrees | de Cumbectres | Cummertrees |
DMF (Dumfriesshire) | garbal teinds of wheat | de Grethenon | Gretna |
DMF (Dumfriesshire) | garbal teinds of wheat | de Rampatrio | Rainpatrick (Redkirk) |
DMF (Dumfriesshire) | garbal teinds of wheat | de Kirkepatrio | Kirkpatrick-Fleming |