Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Gregory IX, pope (d.1241) | Gregorius | Gregory, bishop, etc. | 1227 × 1241 |
Addressee | Geoffrey de Liberatione, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1249) | Episcopo Dunkeldensi | bishop of Dunkeld | 1182 × 1248 |
Addressee | Unknown, abbot of Holyrood (13C) | Abbati de sancta Cruce | abbot of Holyrood | 1237 × 1290 |
Addressee | Unknown, prior of Scone | Priori de Scona | prior of Scone | 1237 × 1237 |
named person (transaction) | Patrick, clerk (Glasgow) | Patricius | Patrick, clerk of diocese of Glasgow | |
named person (transaction) | William of Bondington, bishop of Glasgow (d.1258) | Episcopi | bishop of Glasgow | 1231 × 1258 |
named person (transaction) | Chapter of Glasgow | capituli Glasguensium | chapter of Glasgow | 1161 × 1321 |