Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Honorius III, pope (d.1227) | Honorius | Honorius, bishop, etc. | 1216 × 1227 |
Addressee | Pandulf Masca, bishop-elect of Norwich (d.1226) | Norwicensi Electo | elect of Norwich, legate of the apostolic see | 1218 × 1220 |
Party 1 | William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) | Episcopo Sancti Andree | bishop of St Andrews | 1185 × 1237 |
Party 2 | Eustace, canon of St Andrews | Eustatius | Eustace, canon of St Andrews | 1217 × 1218 |
Judge | Hugh de Sigillo, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1229 or 1230) | Dunkeldensem episcopum | bishop of Dunkeld | 1178 × 1229 |