Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Innocent IV, pope (d.1254) | INNOCENCIVS | Innocent, bishop, servant of servants of God | 1226 × 1254 |
Appointee | Andrew, chancellor of Moray (fl.1249-50) | Cancellario Morauiensi | chancellor of Moray | 1249 × 1250 |
Appointee | Robert, treasurer of Dunkeld (fl.1238-71) | Thesaurario [Dunkeldensi] | treasurer [of Dunkeld] | 1238 × 1257 |
Appointee | John of Everley, archdeacon of Dunkeld (d.a.1265×72) | Johanni de Euerley | Master John of Everley, canon of Dunkeld | 1236 × 1263 |