Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | James, legate (fl.1220-21) | Jacobus | Brother James, penitentiary and chaplain of the lord Pope, and legate of the Apostolic See | 1221 × 1222 |
Beneficiary | Berwick Priory (South Berwick) | moniales de Suth berwik | nuns of South Berwick | 1219 × 1296 |
Beneficiary | Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150) | abbatem et canonicos de Driburgh | abbot and canons of Dryburgh | 1150 × 1345 |
Beneficiary | William de Vaux, knight (d.1221×38) | Willelmum de Wallibus | William de Vaux | 1177 × 1232 |
named person (transaction) | William de Vaux, persona of Gullane, clerk | Willelmi de Wallibus | William de Vaux, persona of Gullane | 1221 × 1255 |