Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Gregory IX, pope (d.1241) | GREGORIUS | Gregory, bishop, servant of servants of God | 1227 × 1241 |
Appointee | Laurence, dean of Carrick (fl.1233×35) | de Carric [Decanis] | dean of Carrick | 1234 × 1234 |
Appointee | Richard, dean of Cunningham (fl.1233×35) | de Cunigham [Decanis] | dean of Cunningham | 1234 × 1234 |
Appointee | Alan, master of schools of Ayr | Magistro scolarum de Are | master of schools of Ayr | 1234 × 1234 |
named person (transaction) | Paisley Abbey (fd.1169) | Abbati et conventus monasterii de Passelet | abbot and convent of monastery of Paisley | 1163 × 1304 |