Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Honorius III, pope (d.1227) | Honor' | Honorius, bishop, servant of servants of God | 1216 × 1227 |
Appointee | Brice, prior of Monymusk (fl.1210-20×) | de munemusc [prioribus] | prior of Monymusk | 1221 × 1222 |
Appointee | German, prior of Restenneth (fl.1218-24×) | de Rustinot [prioribus] | prior of Restenneth | 1211 × 1224 |
Appointee | Denis, dean of Angus and Forfar (fl.1211×14-1225×39) | decano de forfar | dean of Forfar | 1202 × 1225 |
Party 1 | Alexander, abbot of Coupar Angus (fl.1209-40) | abbas de Cupro | abbot of Coupar | 1212 × 1237 |
Party 2 | Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128) | abbas et Conuentus de Dunfer' | abbot and convent of Dunfermline | 1127 × 1363 |
Party 2 | J., clerk | J | J., clerk | 1218 × 1221 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
PER (Perthshire) | church of Bendochy | ecclesia de Bennacht' | Bendochy |