Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | William I, king of Scots (d.1214) | W | W[illiam], king of Scotland | 1145 × 1213 |
Addressor | Bishops of Scotland | episcoporum regni sui | bishops of his realm | 1119 × 1368 |
Addressor | Unknown, dean of Glasgow | decani | dean [of church of Glasgow] | 1187 × 1321 |
Addressor | Chapter of Glasgow | Capituli Glasguen' ecclesie | chapter of church of Glasgow | 1161 × 1321 |
named person (transaction) | Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199) | J | J[ocelin], former abbot of Melrose | 1174 × 1198 |