People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Gift of a fourth-part of land in Auchincloich in exchange for two other lands

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/17/29 (Lenn. Cart., 27)
Firm date
2 November 1208 X 1265
Probable date
× circa 1238
Dating Notes
Succession × death of Earl Maldoven; probably before 3/17/30, which appears to have been a gift to Murethach’s grandson.
of me and my heirs
Returns / Military
fraction of a knight
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Máel Domnaig, earl of Lennox (d. by 1265) Maldoney Mael Domnaig, earl of Lennox 1199 × 1251
Beneficiary Maurice or Murdoch, son of Gillespie Mauritio filio Gillaspic Maurice or Murdoch, son of Gillespie 1208 × 1208
Beneficiary Arthur, son of Murethach Arthuro filio suo Arthur, his son 1208 × 1208

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Mauricius (Murdoch) of Luss, lord of Luss Mauritio de Luss Maurice of Luss 1251 × 1277 1
Maurice or Murdoch, chaplain (Lennox) Mauritio Maurice, chaplain 1251 × 1251 2
Henry mac Morear Henrico Makmorear Henry mac Morear 1208 × 1208 3
Gilla Pátraic, son of Máel Brigte (mac Maíl Brigte) Gillepatrik Makmalbryde Gilla Patraic mac Mael Brigte 1217 × 1271 4
Gilbert or Gilla Brigte, son of Absalom of Lennox Gilberto filio Absolonis Gilbert son of Absalom 1228 × 1274 5
Cessán mac Gilla Finnéin (MacLennan) Kessan Makenane Kessy MacLennon 1217 × 1225 6
Somerled Lyen Summerleth Lyen Somerled Lyen 1208 × 1208 7
Máel Muire mac Díuccaich Malmor Makdiukach Máel Muire mac Diuccach 1208 × 1208 8

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
DNB (Dunbartonshire) a quarter of land in Auchincloich quartariam terre in Auchincloich Auchincloich