Type |
Name |
Original Text |
Related Place |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
villa of Kelso |
villam de Chelceho |
Kelso |
Redden |
Reveden |
Redden |
Bowden |
Pothelden |
Bowden |
Midlem |
Midilham |
Midlem |
Whitmuir |
Witemer |
Whitmuir |
Selkirk |
Sellechirche |
Selkirk |
Whitlaw |
Witelau |
Whitlaw |
Traverlen |
Travele[...] |
Traverlen |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
3 tofts (mansuras) |
in Rochesburg tres mansuras |
Roxburgh |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
churches of Roxburgh |
in episcopatu de Glasgu ecclesias burgi de Rochasburc |
Roxburgh |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
parish |
cum parrochia |
Roxburgh |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
church of Sprouston |
[ecclesiam] de Sprorostana |
Sprouston |
SLK (Selkirkshire) |
church of Selkirk Regis |
ecclesia[m] S[e]llech[ir]che regis |
Selkirk |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
church of Mow |
ecclesiam de Molla |
Mow |
PEB (Peeblesshire) |
church of West Linton |
ecclesiam de Lintun Ruthri |
West Linton |
LAN (Lanarkshire) |
church of Wiston |
ecclesiam de Villa Wisce |
Wiston |
ELO (East Lothian) |
church of Keith (ELO) |
in episcopatu sancti Andree [ecclesiam] de Cheth |
Keith-Marischal |
ROX (Roxburghshire) |
church of Makerstoun |
ecclesiam de Malcaruistun |
Makerstoun |
BWK (Berwickshire) |
church of Hume |
ecclesiam de Hom |
Hume |
BWK (Berwickshire) |
church of Fogo |
ecclesiam de Fogghou |
Fogo |
BWK (Berwickshire) |
church of Simprim |
ecclesiam de Simpbergh |
Simprim |
BWK (Berwickshire) |
church of St Laurence of Berwick |
eclesiam sancti Laurentii de Berewic |
Berwick |