Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Hugh Freskin, lord of Sutherland (d.p.1214) | Hugo Freskyn quondam pater meus | Hugh Freskin my late father | 1195 × 1207 |
Beneficiary | Gilbert Murray, bishop of Caithness (d.1245) | 1203 × 1244 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
SUT | Skelbo | terram meam de scelbotil in Suthyrlandia | Skelbo |
SUT (Sutherland) | Ferincoskry | fernebuchlyn | Ferincoskry |
SUT (Sutherland) | Invershin | Innerchen | Invershin |
SUT | Sutherland towards west | totam terram mean de Suthyrlandia versus occidentem que iacet inter has terras prenominatas et diuisas de Ros | Sutherland towards west |