Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Roland (Lachlan), lord of Galloway (d.1200) | Rollandus | Roland, constable of the king of Scots | 1164 × 1198 |
Beneficiary | Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150) | ecclesie sancte Marie de Driburgh | church of St Mary of Dryburgh | 1150 × 1345 |
named person (transaction) | W. de Valognes, persona of St Fillan of Great Sorbie | W de Wallonijs | W de Valgones, persona of same church | |
Sicut Clause | Ivo de Vieuxpont | Ivonis de Veteri ponte | Ivo de Vieuxpont, donor of the church | 1196 × 1244 |