People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of Edrom and church, chapel of Earlston and villa of Nisbet (BWK)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/15/20 (ND, App., no. 116)
Firm date
1189 X 1198
Probable date
poss. 1189 × 1193
Dating Notes
Hugh as king’s chancellor × death of Master Richard of Coldingham; possible date suggested by Donald Watt.
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in perpetuam Elemosinam
Spiritual Benefits
Ancestors (pro anima); Any Spiritual Benefit; Father (pro anima); Mother (pro anima); Self (pro); Successors (pro); Wife (pro)

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232) Patricius filius Waldeuj Patrick the earl, son of Waltheof the earl 1170 × 1232
Beneficiary Saint Cuthbert sancto Cuthberto St Cuthbert 1094 × 1279
Beneficiary Durham Cathedral Priory monachis eius de Dunelmo his monks of Durham 1095 × 1327

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Hugh of Roxburgh, bishop-elect of Glasgow (d.1199) Hugone Sir Hugh, chancellor 1164 × 1198 1
William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) Willelmo Malo uicino Master William Malveisin 1185 × 1237 2
Richard de Prebenda, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1210) Ricardo de prebenda Richard de Prebenda 1170 × 1208 3
Hugh de Sigillo, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1229 or 1230) Hugone de Sigillo Hugh de Sigillo 1178 × 1229 4
William del Bois, chancellor (d.1232) Willelmo de Bosco William del Bois 1196 × 1227 5
Richard of Coldingham, master (d.1198) Ricardo de Coldingham Master Richard of Coldingham 1167 × 1194 6
Angier, master (fl.1180-1203×09) Angerio Master Angerius 1175 × 1207 7
Geoffrey of Ancroft Gaufrido de Anecroft Geoffrey of Ancroft 1189 × 1189 8
Gilbert of Whittinghame Gileberto de Whitingham Gilbert of Whittinghame 1194 × 1194 9
Robert de Muschamp (d.1250) Roberto de Muschauns Robert de Muschamp 1198 × 1232 10
Richard de Merlay (12C) Ricardo de Merleia Richard de Merley 1182 × 1189 11
Stephen Papedy, steward Stephano Papedy Stephen Papedy 1166 × 1220 12
Adam, son of Aldan the Steward Ada filio Alden Adam, son of Aldan 1164 × 1198 13
Patrick, son of Adam son of Aldan the steward Patricio filio eius Patrick, his son 1194 × 1218 14
Ness of Waughton (father of Ness) Nes de Waleton' Ness of Walton 1198 × 1200 15
Robert de Burneville, sheriff Roberto de Burnauill' Robert de Burneville 1198 × 1213 16
Robert, son of Robert de Burneville Roberto filio eius Robert, his son 1189 × 1198 17
Gilbert of Hume, steward of Earl Patrick (I) Gileberto de Houme Gilbert of Hume 1198 × 1203 18
Gilbert, son of Walter Gileberto filio Walteri Gilbert, son of Walter 1179 × 1189 19
Roland, steward of Earl Patrick Roudlando Roland, seneschal 1198 × 1208 20
William, son of Edgar Willelmo filio Edgari William, son of Edgar 1189 × 1198 21
Henry of Prenderguest (I) Henrico de Prendregest Henry of Prenderguest 1198 × 1234 22
Edward of Oldcambus Eduardo de Aldecambus Edward of Oldcambus 1166 × 1203 23
Alan, son of Cospatric of Swinton Alano de Suint' Alan of Swinton 1182 × 1239 24
William of Nisbet Willelmo de Nesebite William of Nisbet 1198 × 1203 25

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Pro anima Malcolm III, king of Scots (d.1093) Malcolmi Malcolm, king
Pro anima Edgar, king of Scots (d.1107) [filiorum eius] Eadgarj his son, king Edgar 1095 × 1097
Pro anima Alexander I, king of Scots (d.1124) [filiorum eius] Alexandri his son, king Alexander 1095 × 1123
Pro anima David I, king of Scots (d.1153) [filiorum eius] Dd his son, king David 1118 × 1152
Pro anima Henry, earl of Northumberland and Huntingdon (d.1152) filii eius HenRicJ his son, Henry the earl 1114 × 1150
Pro anima Malcolm IV, king of Scots (d.1165) Malcolmi Malcolm, king 1145 × 1165
Pro William I, king of Scots (d.1214) Willelmo my lord, King William 1145 × 1213
Pro David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) Dd fratre eius David, his brother 1159 × 1208

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
BWK (Berwickshire) villa of Edrom Uillam de Ederham Edrom
BWK (Berwickshire) church of Edrom Ecclesiam eiusdem uille Edrom
BWK (Berwickshire) chapel of Earlston capellam de Ercheldona Earlston
BWK (Berwickshire) villa of Nisbet aliam villam que dicitur Nesebite Nisbet in Edrom