Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Waltheof, earl of Dunbar (d.1182) | Waltheuus filius Gospatricii | Waltheof the earl, son of Cospatric the earl | 1159 × 1180 |
Beneficiary | Saint Cuthbert | Sancto Cuthberto | St Cuthbert | 1094 × 1279 |
Beneficiary | Durham Cathedral Priory | monachis eius de dunelmo | his monks of Durham | 1095 × 1327 |
named person (transaction) | William I, king of Scots (d.1214) | Willelmi | King William of Scotland | 1145 × 1213 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian (fl.1147×59-1178×84) | Andrea | Andrew, archdeacon | 1152 × 1178 | 1 |
Patrick, son of Cospatric, earl of Dunbar | Patricio fratre comitis | Patrick, brother of earl | 1166 × 1182 | 2 |
Adam, son of Aldan the Steward | Adam filio Aldene | Adam, son of Aldan | 1164 × 1198 | 3 |
Walter (Dunbar) | Waltero | Walter | 1166 × 1166 | 4 |
Gilbert Fraser (I) (12C) | Gilleberto Frasier | Gilbert Fraser | 1166 × 1182 | 5 |
Richard, king's clerk (1166) | Ricardo clerico Regis | Richard, clerk of king | 1166 × 1166 | 6 |
John Scott, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1203) | Johanne nepote Rodberti | Master John, nepos of Bishop Robert | 1152 × 1202 | 7 |
Robert, canon of St Andrews | Roberto | Robert, canon of St Andrews | 1166 × 1166 | 8 |
Robert of Perth, son of Saewulf, bishops' chancellor | Roberto filio Seuli | Robert, son of Seolf | 1161 × 1191 | 9 |
Herbert Scott, master, clerk (fl.1144×59-1172×78) | Hereberto | Master Herbert | 1128 × 1172 | 10 |
Ketill of Letham | Cetello de Letham | Ketell of Letham | 1166 × 1208 | 11 |
Aldan, steward of the earls of Dunbar | Aldene | Aldan, seneschal of the earl | 1138 × 1166 | 12 |
Gamel, steward (BWK/ ELO) | Gamello | Gamel, seneschal | 1159 × 1166 | 13 |
Roger, steward (BWK) | Rogero | Roger, seneschal | 1166 × 1166 | 14 |
Edward of Oldcambus | AEdwardo de Aldecambus | Edward of Oldcambus | 1166 × 1203 | 15 |
William of Boltby | Willelmo de Bolthebi | William of Boltby | 1166 × 1249 | 16 |
Stephen Papedy, steward | Stephano Papedi | Stephen Papedy | 1166 × 1220 | 17 |
Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Pro anima | Malcolm III, king of Scots (d.1093) | Malcholmi | King Malcolm | |
Pro anima | Edgar, king of Scots (d.1107) | [filiorum eius] AEdgari | his son, King Edgar | 1095 × 1097 |
Pro anima | Alexander I, king of Scots (d.1124) | [filiorum eius] Alexandri | his son, King Alexander | 1095 × 1123 |
Pro anima | David I, king of Scots (d.1153) | [filiorum eius] dd | his son, King David | 1118 × 1152 |
Pro anima | Henry, earl of Northumberland and Huntingdon (d.1152) | filii eius henrici | his son, Henry | 1114 × 1150 |
Pro anima | Malcolm IV, king of Scots (d.1165) | Malcholmi | Malcolm, king | 1145 × 1165 |
Pro | William I, king of Scots (d.1214) | Willelmo | King William | 1145 × 1213 |
Pro | David, earl of Huntingdon (d.1219) | dd fratre eius | David, his brother | 1159 × 1208 |
Pro anima | Patrick (I), earl of Dunbar (d.1232) | [filiis meis] patricio | my son, Patrick | 1170 × 1232 |
Pro anima | Constantine, son of Earl Waltheof | [filiis meis] Constantino | my son, Constantine |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
BWK (Berwickshire) | villa of Edrom | Villam de AEderham | Edrom |
BWK (Berwickshire) | church of Edrom | ecclesiam eiusdem Ville | Edrom |
BWK (Berwickshire) | villa of Nisbet | Aliam villam que dicitur Nesebite | Nisbet in Edrom |