Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Addressor | Alan, abbot of Dryburgh (fl.1193-96) | Alanus | Alan, abbot and the whole convent of Dryburgh | 1196 × 1196 |
Addressee | Walkelin, abbot of St James, Northampton | W | Sir W[alkelin], abbot of St James of Northampton, and whole congregation of same place | 1193 × 1193 |
named person (transaction) | Leicester Abbey | abbati et conuentui [de Legrec'] | abbot and convent of Leicester | 1192 × 1193 |
named person (transaction) | Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150) | nobis | us | 1150 × 1345 |
named person (transaction) | Sulby Abbey | abbati et canonicis de Suleby | abbot and canons of Sulby |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
England | church of Bozeat | ecclesia de Boseiate | Bozeat |