Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Order |
Matthew Scott, bishop-elect of Dunkeld (d.1230) |
Matheo |
Master Matthew, chancellor |
1223 × 1298 |
1 |
Walter Oliphant, justiciar of Lothian (son of Walter) (d.1242) |
Waltero OLifard' |
Walter Oliphant, justiciar of Lothian |
1199 × 1241 |
2 |
Walter Stewart (II), son of Alan (d.1241) |
Waltero filio Alani |
Walter, son of Alan, steward |
1205 × 1240 |
3 |
Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248) |
Patricio filio Comitis |
Patrick, son of the earl |
1208 × 1248 |
4 |
Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith (d.1258) |
Waltero Cumin |
Walter Cumin |
1213 × 1258 |
5 |
Ingram Balliol (d.1239×44) |
IngeRamo de Baillol |
Ingram de Balliol |
1202 × 1236 |
6 |
Henry (of Brechin or Stirling?), son of Earl David |
HenRico filio Comitis |
Henry, son of the earl |
1185 × 1231 |
7 |
David de Bonville, marischal (fl.late 12C-mid13C) |
dauid |
David, marischal |
1182 × 1244 |
8 |
Thomas, son of Ranulf (d. 1262) |
Thoma filio Randulfi |
Thomas, son of Ranulf |
1221 × 1247 |
9 |
David Comyn, lord of Kilbride (d.1247) |
dauid Cumin |
David Cumin |
1223 × 1244 |
10 |