People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Grant of succession to, and renewal of gift of land of Gibliston (FIF)

Type of Transaction
From Source
1/7/331 (RRS, iii, no. 323)
Firm date
5 April 1248
Dating Notes
5th day of April, regnal year 36 (sic). This is an act of Alexander II, despite its attribution to Alexander III by an annotator of the source, on the grounds that the former did not reign thirty-six years whereas the latter did. The regnal year given by the transcriber must therefore be an error. Bernard of Ripley regularly witnessed for Alexander II in the period 1245-9: cf. Stringer, <em>Essays</em>, p. 117.
for homage and service; of me and my heirs
Legal Pertinents
gallows; infangthief; ordeal pit; sake and soke; toll and team
Returns / Military
fraction of a knight

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) Alex' Alexander, king of Scots 1199 × 1249
Beneficiary Richard Chamberlain (Chalmers) Ricardo Camerario Richard Chamberlain 1248 × 1270
Beneficiary Joan Chamberlain (Chalmers) Joanne Joan, his wife, daughter of Thomas, son of William 1248 × 1266
named person (transaction) Robert of London (d.1225) Robertus de London filius regis Willelmi Robert of London, son of King William our father 1174 × 1221
Previous landholder Thomas, son of William, knight (13C) Thome filii Willelmi Thomas, son of William 1214 × 1221

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Patrick (II), earl of Dunbar (d.1248) Patricio Patrick, earl of Dunbar 1208 × 1248 1
Robert of Roos (III) of Wark (d.c.1270) Roberto de Ros Robert de Ros 1222 × 1254 2
William, son of Earl Patrick (I) (d.1253) Willelmo filio comitis William, the earl's son 1210 × 1250 3
William Lindsay (IV), son of Walter (III) (d.c.1247) Willelmo de Lindes' William of Lindsay 1212 × 1248 4
Bernard of Ripley Bernardo de [Rippeley'] Bernard of Ripley 1219 × 1249 5
William Oliphant (d.c.1247) Willelmo Olifard William Oliphant 1206 × 1249 6
William of Mordington Willelmo de [Morthington] William of Mordington 1210 × 1248 7

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
FIF Gibliston terram de Gibeloustun Gibliston