Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) | Alex' | Alexander, king of Scots | 1199 × 1249 |
Beneficiary | Saint Kentigern | sancto Kentegerno | Saint Kentigern | 1170 × 1293 |
Beneficiary | Glasgow Cathedral | ecclesie Glasguensi | church of Glasgow | 1124 × 1362 |
Beneficiary | Walter of St Albans, bishop of Glasgow (d.1232) | Waltero | Walter, bishop of the same place | 1194 × 1232 |
Sicut Clause | William I, king of Scots (d.1214) | Willelmi | King William, my father | 1145 × 1213 |
Sicut Clause | Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow (d.1199) | Jocelino | Jocelin, bishop of Glasgow | 1174 × 1198 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
Hugh de Sigillo, bishop of Dunkeld (d.1229 or 1230) | Hugone | Hugh, bishop of Dunkeld | 1178 × 1229 | 1 |
William Comyn, earl of Buchan (d.1233) | Willelmo Cumin | William Cumin, earl of Buchan, justiciar of Scotia | 1187 × 1250 | 2 |
Roger de Mortimer (d.1217×27) | Rogero de Mortuomari | Roger de Mortimer | 1188 × 1221 | 3 |
Thomas Durward (d.1228×33) | Thoma | Thomas, doorward | 1202 × 1228 | 4 |
Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith (d.1258) | Waltero Cumin | Walter Cumin | 1213 × 1258 | 5 |
Jordan Comyn | Jordano Cumin | Jordan Cumin | 1213 × 1277 | 6 |
Malcolm Hay, king's butler | Malcolmo | Malcolm, butler | 1198 × 1242 | 7 |
Thomas Hay (son of William) | Thoma de Haya | Thomas de Hay | 1206 × 1240 | 8 |
Robert Sinclair | Roberto de Seint Cler | Robert de St Clair | 1211 × 1234 | 9 |