Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Alexander II, king of Scots (d.1249) | Alex' | Alexander, king of Scots | 1199 × 1249 |
Beneficiary | Burgesses of Aberdeen | Burgensibus meis de Aberden' | my burgesses of Aberdeen | 1184 × 1345 |
Addressee | Unknown, sheriff of Aberdeen | vicecomitatu de Aberd' | sheriff of Aberdeen | 1215 × 1215 |
named person (transaction) | David I, king of Scots (d.1153) | DauiD | King David, my great-grandfather | 1118 × 1152 |
Addressee | Baillies of Aberdeen | Bailliuis meis de Aberden | my baillies of Aberdeen | 1215 × 1361 |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
William del Bois, chancellor (d.1232) | Willelmo . de Boscho | William del Bois, my chancellor | 1196 × 1227 | 1 |
Malcolm (I), earl of Fife (d.1229) | Malcolmo | Earl Malcolm of Fife | 1172 × 1227 | 2 |
Walter Lindsay (III), son of William (II) (d.c.1222) | Waltero . de Lindes' | Walter of Lindsay | 1190 × 1222 | 3 |
John Maxwell, chamberlain, sheriff of Roxburgh (d.1241) | Johanne de Maccuswel' | John of Maxwell | 1195 × 1238 | 4 |
David de Bonville, marischal (fl.late 12C-mid13C) | DauiD | David, marischal | 1182 × 1244 | 5 |
Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith (d.1258) | Waltero . Cumin | Walter Cumin | 1213 × 1258 | 6 |
Jordan Comyn | Jordano . Cumin' | Jordan Cumin | 1213 × 1277 | 7 |
Hervey, son of Philip, marischal (Keith) | Heruico | Hervey, marischal | 1213 × 1231 | 8 |
David Hastings, earl of Atholl (d.1247) | DauiD . de Hasting | David of Hastings | 1208 × 1242 | 9 |
Malcolm Hay, king's butler | Malcolmo | Malcolm, butler | 1198 × 1242 | 10 |
Robert Sinclair | Roberto . de Sancto Claro | Robert de St Clair | 1211 × 1234 | 11 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
no one outside burgh may make dyed cloth | no one outside burgh may make dyed cloth | ||
licence to have guild | licence to have guild | ||
no village may have a tavern | no village may have a tavern | ||
no foreign merchants may trade outwith burgh | no foreign merchants may trade outwith burgh | ||
no one may injure/cause injury | no one may injure/cause injury | ||
firm peace and protection | firm peace and protection | ||
right to have market | right to have market |