People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Confirmation of the church of Arndilly (MOR)

Type of Transaction
From Source
2/8/20 (Moray Reg., no. 64)
Firm date
19 July 1224 X 20 June 1228
Dating Notes
Judgement in favour of Elgin as cathedral seat (<em>Moray Reg.</em>, no. 58; 1224, 14 kal. Aug.) × last date Hugh, successor of Freskin, could have been dean.
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Andrew Murray, bishop of Moray (d.1242) Andreas Andrew, bishop of Moray 1202 × 1242
named person (transaction) William, son of William, son of Freskin (William II Freskin aka Murray (d.1226)) Willelmus filius Willelmi filii Freskyni William, son of William son of Freskyn 1196 × 1207
named person (transaction) Brice Douglas, bishop of Moray (d.1222) Bricii Brice, late bishop of Moray 1203 × 1221
named person (transaction) Chapter of Spynie ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis de Spyny et [collegio] canonicorum churhc of the Holy Trnity, Synie, and the college of canons
Beneficiary Elgin Cathedral ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis de Elgyn church of the Holy Trinity, Elgin 1190 × 1299

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Freskin Douglas, dean of Moray (d.1226) Freskyno Freskin, our dean 1203 × 1226 1
Henry, master, treasurer, chancellor of Moray Henrico Master Henry, treasurer 1207 × 1227 2
Adam, subdean of Moray Ada Adam, sub-dean 1224 × 1226 3
Lambert, succentor of Moray Lamberto Lambert, succentor 1226 × 1235 4
Edward Murray, master, canon, bishop's clerk Edwardo Master Edward, our canon 1202 × 1235 5
Robert Small (Parvus), canon of Moray Roberto paruo Robert Small, our canon 1224 × 1226 6
Robert of Duffus, canon of Dipple and Moray Roberto de Duffus Robert of Duffus, our canon 1227 × 1240 7
Ralph, chaplain of Bishop Andrew of Moray Radulpho Ralph, our chaplain 1226 × 1232 8
Simon (de Gunby), bishop of Moray (d.1251) Symone de Guneby Simon of Guneby, our serviens 1227 × 1249 9
Simon of Orby, serviens of bishop of Moray Symone de Orreby Simon of Orreby, our serviens 1228 × 1235 10
Gervase de Gnay, serviens of Bishop Andrew Gervasio Gervase, our serviens 1224 × 1224 11
Euas, serviens of Bishop Andrew Euas' Euas, our serviens 1224 × 1224 12

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
MOR (Moray) church of Arndilly ecclesia de Artildol Arndilly