Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Henry of Norham, prior of St Andrews (fl.×1228-1236) | Henricus | Henry, prior of St Andrews | 1211 × 1235 |
Grantor | St Andrews Cathedral Priory | ejusdem loci conventus | convent of the same place | 1140 × 1309 |
Beneficiary | Dryburgh Abbey (fd.1150) | abbati et conventui de Driburgh | abbot and convent of Dryburgh | 1150 × 1345 |
Consentor | Chapter of St Andrews | capituli nostri | our chapter | 1153 × 1313 |
Sicut Clause | William Malveisin, bishop of St Andrews (d.1238) | Willelmi | Sir William, bishop of St Andrews | 1185 × 1237 |