Name |
Name (original language) |
Name (translation) |
Floruits |
Order |
Thorald, archdeacon of Lothian (d.1163 or 1166) |
Thoraldo |
Thorald, archdeacon of Lothian |
1138 × 1161 |
1 |
Aiulf, dean of Lothian (fl.1150/51-1186) |
Ayulfo |
Aiulf, dean |
1127 × 1174 |
2 |
Nigel, steward (St Andrews) |
Nigello |
Nigel, steward |
1160 × 1162 |
3 |
Robert of Perth, son of Saewulf, bishops' chancellor |
Roberto filio Seulfi |
Robert, son of Seolf |
1161 × 1191 |
4 |
Herbert Scott, master, clerk (fl.1144×59-1172×78) |
Hereberto |
Master Herbert |
1128 × 1172 |
5 |
Stephen, clerk (St Andrews) |
Stephano |
Stephen, clerk |
1161 × 1189 |
6 |
Simon, archdeacon of Aberdeen (fl.1189×96-1202×03) |
Simone fratre Mathei archidiaconi |
Simon, brother of Matthew, archdeacon |
1162 × 1202 |
7 |
Philip, priest |
Philippo |
Philip, priest |
1162 × 1172 |
8 |
Roger of Wilton, knight |
Rogero de Willt' |
Roger of Wilton |
1162 × 1211 |
9 |
Alan, son of Simon, son of Michael (Kinninmonth) |
Alano fratre archidiaconi |
Alan, brother of the archdeacon |
1153 × 1189 |
10 |
Odo of Kinninmonth, steward, marischal (d.c.1195) |
Odone |
Odo, marischal |
1162 × 1195 |
11 |
Gamel, doorward, master (St Andrews) |
Gamello |
Gamel, doorward |
1160 × 1189 |
12 |