Role | Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits |
Grantor | Alexander III, king of Scots (d.1286) | Alexander | Alexander, king of Scots | 1245 × 1285 |
Beneficiary | Nicholas Hay (I), lord of Errol (son of Gilbert) (d.1305/6) | Nicolaum de Haya | Nicholas de Haye | 1263 × 1305 |
named person (transaction) | Ada of Cassingray | Eda Glasgyngrey | Ada of Cassingray |
Name | Name (original language) | Name (translation) | Floruits | Order |
James Stewart (d.1309) | Iacobo | James, Steward of Scotland | 1276 × 1309 | 1 |
William Sinclair (d.1299×1303) | Willelmo de Sancto Claro | William de St Clare | 1261 × 1292 | 2 |
Robert Cameron of Baledgarno | Roberto de Cambrune | Robert of Cameron | 1263 × 1296 | 3 |
Simon Fraser (III) (d.1291×92) | Symone Fraser | Simon Fraser | 1263 × 1291 | 4 |
Patrick Graham (I), knight (d.1296) | Patricio de Graham | Patrick of Graham | 1266 × 1296 | 5 |
Richard Fraser, knight | Ricardo Fraser | Richard Fraser | 1270 × 1296 | 6 |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
FIF (Fife) | third part of land | tertia parte terra de Glasgyngrey | Cassingray |
Type | Name | Original Text | Related Place |
freedom from multure | freedom from multure | de domo sua propria ad molendinum de Kellyn |