People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Saer de Quincy (d.1190) (counterseal?)

Saer de Quincy (d.1190)
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
This single-sided seal depicts a kite-shaped shield between two *wavy* branches, bearing arms of a *fess*, with a *label* of seven points in *chief*.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
Legend (reverse)
This counterseal is incorrectly described by Stevenson and Wood as one of two reverses to a seal of Saer de Quincy, earl of Winchester (d.1219). It is in fact a counter- or privy seal which appears to have been used together with the single-sided seal Saer’s uncle, also Saer (d.1190). The destruction of the legend makes it impossible on the evidence of the seal alone to ascribe it to an individual; although the elder Saer is the most likely candidate, the use of Robert de Quincy’s privy seal with the elder Saer’s seal presents other possibilities. Furthermore, this privy seal is detached and its dating by Stevenson and Wood to the early thirteenth century is by no means secure. Dimensions: 1 in. diameter. SW III, p.551.