People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Abraham, bishop of Dunblane (fl.1210×14-1220×25) (1) (2)

Abraham, bishop of Dunblane (fl.1210×14-1220×25)
Matrix Shape
pointed oval
Image description (obverse)
Described by Stevenson and Wood as his second seal, this single-sided seal depicts the bishop full length and front face, in vestments, standing on an inverted crescent.
Image description (reverse)
Legend (obverse)
….BRAHE DUNBLAN…EP… (“[Seal of] Abraham, bishop of Dunblane”)
Legend (reverse)
Dimensions: approx. 2 ½ × 1 ½ in. Note: only the lower half of the seal’s only surviving impression (c.1214) remains. SW I, p.136.