People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Seal-Matrix: Dunfermline Abbey (2)

Dunfermline Abbey (fd.1128)
Matrix Shape
Image description (obverse)
Depicts a cross-section of the convent church, with a roof with a central lantern and two turrets. The body of the church is divided into three arches with spiral columns. Under the *sinister* arch is a priest and an acolyte consecrating a chalice on an altar. Under the cntre arch is Saint Margaret, the founder of the abbey, holding an open book. In the *dexter* is a monk with an open book, facing to *sinister* like the other figures. Above the church is an *estoile* and a crescent.
Image description (reverse)
Depicts four angels supporting an aureole which surrounds Christ with a *nimbus*, sitting on a rainbow in judgment, his feet resting on another rainbow. His right hand is raised in benediction, and his left holds an open book. Within the aureole in the *dexter* is a star of five points *wavy*, in the *sinister* above the book is a crescent. Outside the aureole, on either side, is a star of eight points.
Legend (obverse)
According to Stevenson and Wood: ……………… CA …………… IE SCE TR …
Legend (reverse)
This is this second seal of Dunfermline Abbey, and - by contrast with the first - is double-sided. Dimensions: 2 ¾ in. diameter (77 mm.) SW I, p.178. Scran ID: 000-180-001-753-C