People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Confirmation of land of Nether Lumbennie (FIF)

Type of Transaction
From Source
3/42/7 (NRS, GD 82/6)
Firm date
1249 X 1273
Dating Notes
John of Denmuir’s charter; witnesses generally × death of Thomas, abbot of Lindores. Thomas was succeeded by his prior, John, who died the following year.
saving suit of court
Previous mentions of charter
Corroboration / sealing

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Hugh Abernethy, knight (d. 1291x2) hugo de Abernethyn Hugh of Abernethy 1214 × 1288
Beneficiary Adam, son of Christina of Lumbennie Ade filio cristine de lumbenyn neptis sue Adam son of Christina of Lumbennie, his niece 1273 × 1296
named person (transaction) Henry of Denmuir, knight (fl.1260s-90) henricus de dundemor Sir Henry of Denmuir 1264 × 1296

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Thomas, abbot of Lindores (d.1273) Thoma Thomas, abbot of Lindores 1259 × 1278 1
John, prior of Lindores Johanne Lord John, prior of Lindores 1249 × 1249 2
Hugh of Wemyss, knight hugone de Wemys Sir Hugh of Wemyss, knight 1249 × 1249 3
Alexander of Blair (II), knight (d.1283) Alexandro de Blar' Alexander of Blair, knight 1263 × 1266 4
William, rector of Kilgour Willelmo Lord William then rector of church of Kilgour 1249 × 1249 5
William of Farsley, lord of Fargie Willelmo de Freslay William of Farsley 1270 × 1300 6
Duncan of Bamkeloc Duncano de Bamkeloc Duncan of ‘Bamkeloc’ 1249 × 1249 7
David Vipont Dauid Veponte David Vipont 1249 × 1249 8