People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Agreement between Archibald, bishop of Caithness, and William, earl of Sutherland

Type of Transaction
From Source
4/15/10 (Bannatyne Misc., no. 2)
Firm date
22 September 1275
Dating Notes
10 kal. Oct., 1275
Corroboration / sealing
Both addressors mentioned

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Party 1 Archibald Herok, bishop of Caithness (d.a.1279) Archebaldus Archibald, bishop of Caithness 1256 × 1275
Party 2 William (II), earl of Sutherland (d.1306/7) Willellmum ejus filium William son of the same [William], earl of Sutherland 1269 × 1296
named person (transaction) Gilbert Murray, bishop of Caithness (d.1245) Gilebertum our predecessor, Gilbert, bishop of Caithness 1203 × 1244
named person (transaction) William, bishop of Caithness (fl.1246-55) Willellmum our predecessor, William, bishop of Caithness 1253 × 1255
named person (transaction) Walter of Baltroddie, bishop of Caithness (d.1270) Walterum our predecessor, Walter, bishop of Caithness 1259 × 1263
named person (transaction) William (I), earl of Sutherland (d.1248) Willellmum William, earl of Sutherland 1223 × 1237
Sealer Chapter of Caithness capituli Cathanie chapter of Caithness 1222 × 1296
Sealer Richard, dean, bishop of Caithness (fl.1274-82) Decani [Cathannie] dean of Caithness 1275 × 1275
Sealer Unknown, archdeacon of Caithness (fl.1275) Archideaconi [Cathannie] archdeacon of Caithness 1275 × 1275
Sealer Unknown, precentor of Caithness (fl.1275) precentoris [Cathannie] precentor of Caithness 1275 × 1275
Sealer Unknown, chancellor of Caithness cancellarij Cathannie chancellor of Caithness 1275 × 1275
Sealer William Mowat, knight, sheriff (son of Michael) Willelmi de Monte Alto Sir William de Muhaut 1258 × 1290
Sealer Andrew Murray, knight, justiciar, lord of Petty and Avoch Andree de Morauia Sir Andrew of Moray 1270 × 1293
Sealer Alexander Murray, knight (son of Richard) Alexandri de Morauia Sir Alexander of Moray 1260 × 1281
Sealer David of Inverlunan Dauid de Ynverlunan Sir David of Inverlunan 1275 × 1275

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Type Name Original Text Related Place
SUT (Sutherland) Skibo Castle castro de Schythebolle Skibo
SUT (Sutherland) 6 davochs of Skibo sex dauatis de Schutthebolle Skibo
SUT (Sutherland) 6 davochs of Cyderhall sex dauatis de Syttheraw Cyderhall
SUT (Sutherland) 2 ½ davochs at Migdale duabus dauatis terre cum dimidia de Miggewet Migdale
SUT (Sutherland) Swordale Swerdisdale Swordale
SUT Creich Creych Creich
SUT (Sutherland) fishing of Bonar piscaria de le Bunnach Bonar
SUT (Sutherland) Cuthil de Cuttheldawach Cuthil
SUT (Sutherland) 2 davochs at Muimore duabus dauatis de Mouimor Muimore
SUT (Sutherland) 2 davochs at Evelix duabus dauatis de Awelec Evelix
SUT (Sutherland) 3 davochs at Proncy tribus dauatis de Promsy Proncy
SUT (Sutherland) davoch at Rearquhar una dauata de Roweherthar Rearquhar
SUT (Sutherland) three quarters of Astel tribus quarteriis de Haskesdale Astel
SUT (Sutherland) half a davoch at Achosnich dimidia davata de Hacchencossy Achosnich
SUT (Sutherland) 3 davochs at Torboll tribus dauatis de Thorebolle Torboll
SUT (Sutherland) 2 davochs at Kinnauld duabus dauatis de Kynalde Kinnauld
SUT (Sutherland) 4 davochs at Lairg quatuor dauatis de Largge Lairg

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right of free passage right of free passage passagio