People of Medieval Scotland
1093 - 1371

Transaction: Renewal of possessions of St Andrews Priory

Type of Transaction
From Source
2/10/96 (SEA, i, no. 221)
Firm date
1178 X 30 December 1184
Probable date
perhaps Mar/1179
Dating Notes
Consecration of Bishop Hugh × death of Bishop Andrew of Caithness; much hangs on the dates of Simon of Dunblane and Turpin of Brechin. If they were the two Scottish bishops consecrated at the Third Lateran Council, the date would be March 1179. This identification depends on a scribal error describing Simon as 'episcopo' rather than 'electo' (Watt, <em>Series Episcoporum</em>, 37, n.37).
in (free, pure and/or perpetual) alms
Tenendas original language
in perpetuam elemosinam

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Role Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits
Grantor Hugh, bishop of St Andrews (d.1188) Hugo Hugh, minister of the church of Blessed Andrew the apostle in Scotia 1170 × 1183
Beneficiary St Andrews Cathedral Priory ecclesie Sancti Andree apostoli church of St Andrew the apostle 1140 × 1309
named person (transaction) Robert, bishop of St Andrews (d.1159) Roberti our predecessor, Robert, bishop of St Andrews 1124 × 1157
named person (transaction) Arnold, bishop of St Andrews (d.1162) Arnaldi our predecessor, Arnold, bishop of St Andrews 1147 × 1161
named person (transaction) Richard, bishop of St Andrews (d.1178) Ricardi our predecessor, Richard, bishop of St Andrews 1156 × 1177

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Name Name (original language) Name (translation) Floruits Order
Andrew, bishop of Caithness (d.1184) Andrea Andrew, bishop of Caithness 1128 × 1178 1
Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen (d.1199) Matheo Matthew, bishop of Aberdeen 1150 × 1198 2
Simon de Tosny, bishop of Moray (d.1184) Simone Simon, bishop of Moray 1174 × 1178 3
Simon de Liberatione, bishop of Dunblane (fl.1173×77-c.1195) Symone Simon, bishop of Dunblane 1177 × 1191 4
Turpin, bishop of Brechin (fl.1165×69-1189×98) Turpino Turpin, elect of Brechin 1169 × 1191 5
Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian (fl.1147×59-1178×84) Andrea Andrew, archdeacon of Lothian 1152 × 1178 6
Robert II, abbot of Scone (d.1186) Roberto Robert, abbot of Scone 1159 × 1191 7
Archibald, abbot of Dunfermline (d.1198) Herkenbaldo Archibald, abbot of Dunfermline 1178 × 1198 8
Ilbert, prior of Haddington Hileberte Ilbert, prior of Haddington 1171 × 1178 9
Duncan (II), earl of Fife (d.1204) Duncano Duncan, earl of Fife 1159 × 1203 10
Gilbert or Gilla Brigte, earl of Strathearn (d.1223) Gilberto Gilbert, earl of Strathearn 1164 × 1221 11
Gilla Brigte, earl of Angus (d.×1189) Gilbrido Gille Brigte, earl of Angus 1153 × 1189 12
Ness, son of William, lord of Leuchars (d.1178×83) Nesio filio Willelmi Ness, son of William 1156 × 1178 13
Roger of Wilton, knight Rogero de Wilton' Roger of Wilton 1162 × 1211 14
Hugh, king's clerk (TRW) Hugone Hugh, king's clerk 1164 × 1203 15
Hugh, clerk, brother of Michael Hugone fratre Michaelis Hugh, brother of Michael, clerk 1178 × 1178 16
Alexander, chaplain of bishops of St Andrews (12C) Alexandro Alexander, chaplain 1163 × 1189 17
William, brother of Bishop Hugh of St Andrews Willelmo fratre episcopi William, brother of the bishop 1178 × 1184 18
William of Benniworth, master (fl.1165×88) Willelmo Master William, bishop's clerk 1178 × 1179 19
Odo of Kinninmonth, steward, marischal (d.c.1195) Odone Odo, seneschal 1162 × 1195 20
Henry, steward (St Andrews) Henricho Henry, dapifer 1178 × 1178 21